

This is my first blog.

A word of warning – this blog may at times be aggressive, arrogant, sarcastic, completely immature and written in rant style. But – and this is the good news – it will be completely devoid of any bogus insights into the ‘true world’ of the gifted adult.

Of course, as you may already have pictured, I am sitting here with thick glasses, a chessboard (no, in fact a go board), some magazines about astrophysics I use as coasters and japanese manga because I can’t get girlfriends.

My IQ enables me to get jobs of the highest calibre, and everything I do is about knowledge, learning, using my brain for a purpose and being smart.


Have you ever –

felt the need to cover up the fact that you are already three steps ahead?

Have you ever –

wished you can give someone a piece of your brain so that you are no longer burdened with the isolation? Just to level the playingfield?

Have you ever –

felt that superior intelligence is a flaw in nature other than a gift?

Have you ever –

just slobbed around and enjoyed it to bits to be alone with your mind?

Have you ever –

acquired new skills just to figure out the underlying pattern in a jiff and then get painfully bored?

Have you ever –

wanted to be a shepperd – somewhere in nature?

Have you ever –

lived with the burden of not being able to get any satisfaction out of events that others perceive as achievents because it is just so easy for you?

Have you ever –

overthought every little piece of tiny unneccesary information?

Have you ever –

seen a universe in a rice grain?

If the above applies to you I would like to invite you to my blog. If not, I’m just as interested (I always want to learn, remember :-))

Feel free to comment on the Have you ever’s. I know there is tons more.

(And for those of you that spotted it – yes, I’m an 80’s guy and did grow up with The Offspring)